Poems by title
A day so silent
A Fishy Tale
A Grandfather's Blessing
A home by the sea
A Midsummer's River Blessing
A quick leyline
A stitch in time
adults are weird
(aka Happy Valley)
aka kalika
all power to the allotments
All Systems Go
Alvis Peace Camp
Amazon Grace
amble bumble bimble
Amphibianism (Matsuo Bashō minimalist Remix)
Animal instincts
April's clock
barefoot breakfast inside the mulberry trees of Florence Park
Bayern Munich 3 Arsenal 1 Mother 0
Beasts and demons
Biblical certainty
Bloomin' immigrants
bodhisattva dribble
Cape Wrath
Christopher Robin's first psychotherapy session
Closing prayer
Cycling back from Kirtlington quarry along the Oxford canal one early Sunday morning
Do the pheasants know why they are being fed so well?
Dragon Hill
dungeons and dragons
England sweet England (Budget Day Remix)
Every day a gift
Fire Water (King James Version)
for the person who stole my bicycle (on my birthday)
Forbidden fruit (stealing baked beans from my nephew's plate)
god she was
God's spittle (doof doof doof doof mix)
Grandfather Fire
Greasing the Maypole
Grin Low Woods
Harry Pothead, the Stoned Philosopher
Hobo poet
hold fire
holometabolic haiku
Holy Mary
If I could, I'd marry Nature
if time's an arrow
Iffley Lock
In exile
(in honour of) Matthew the Cat
In memoriam
In the commonwealth
In the lead up to Christmas
Inter-mammalian blessing amid the shadows of the ruins of Minster Lovell hall
Irritable Vowel Syndrome
Jennifer Death (& my mid-life crisis on the Isis)
Jerusalem (Glade remix)
(John Keats's lost) Ode to Absent Armpits
Just before dawn
Keeping the faith
Knock, Knock
kingfisher kingfisher sing me a song (Isis Remix)
Leaving Iona
Leonard kōan
Let it be
literary flirtation
Lunchtime recital (on full pay)
Lurcher moon
Lying in wait
Man down
May Daze
Middle Aged Ravers
Mid-morning in the chancel of my village church
My heart sings
Mustn't grumble
Mutual mastication
Mother and son
ne te lave pas
new neighbours
New Year's Day
Once in a lifetime
one for the road
One Time! (a blessing for my friends in South Africa)
Opening Prayer
Picking wild raspberries in the early August woods
Pilgrim, lift your weary face
Pilgrim's progress
Platform 2
Poem upon the 4th anniversary of disarming an F-111 fighter-bomber
Porkie pas?
Prayer for mum
process schmocess
puppy love
Room enough for all
Ruby Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday...
Ruth and the Lemon Tree - the Lemon Tree and Ruth
Saint Sid of Corby
sex & drugs & rock & roll
Snakes & Ladders
Song Of The Court Of Cyffdy
Songs of Experience & Innocence (mindfulness remix)
Stony Road
Strung out
Such kindness for this world
Sunday morning communion
syzygy (Julian of Norwich remix)
tempus fugit
the calm
The devil's sweetheart
The Emperor's Same Old Clothes
The Feline Zen Buddha of Suburbia
the first frisbee of spring
The gardener of Aleppo
The Guest House (Old Peculier Bed & Breakfast Remix)
The hare and the oak
the ideology of the trees
The Illustrated Treasury of Poetry for Children
the mourning after pills
the muse returns
the night of day
The pacifist case restated
The Realm of the Beggar King
The Shaggy Bodhisattva Wagtail of Maidcroft Road (R.I.P.)
the shepherd and the sea
Them Babylon Blues
Thirsty to the well
This too shall pass
Three interim legislative measures to help us along the road towards the abolition of war
Three poets intercede
thus do I cuckold
tiananmen bicycles
Titled unpoem
triangular view of the end of the year
Unmuffle the tongues of the funeral bells
Upon this very bridge
we ain't marching any more
Weyland's Smithy
When a great royal oak falls
Who's there?
Yarnton Mead
zen and the inevitable destruction of capitalism
25 reasons why men should wear skirts and dresses
56 Old Norse Words That Invaded The English Language