adults are weird
adults are weird
sometimes it’s like they’re from
a totally different planet
where all the rules are complicated
and don’t make any sense
like they want you to speak Latin
or Martian
when all you want to do is make them go away
so you can carry on playing
when they ask you
how are you?
you are meant to say
fine thank you
which does actually seem to make them happy
and make them go away
even if a sabre-toothed tiger
has just bitten off both your legs
and your blood is splurting all over the carpet
and splattering up the walls
but if you ever replied
just go away I want to play!
they’d go apeshit crazy
and all the volcanoes
on their planet would erupt
and vomit gynormous dollops of molten lava
all over the cities and villages and towns
frying every one into
freaky frozen statues
like that volcano did in Pompei
thousands of years ago
when everyone spoke Latin
And then maybe one day
thousands of years in the future
some children just like you and me
will discover their freaky fried frozen bodies
and put them all in a museum
with a sign that says
These Are Adults
They Are Fine Thank You
only it would be written in
a totally different language
adults are weird
sometimes it’s like they’re from
a totally different planet
where all the rules are complicated
and don’t make any sense
like they want you to speak Latin
or Martian
when all you want to do is make them go away
so you can carry on playing
when they ask you
how are you?
you are meant to say
fine thank you
which does actually seem to make them happy
and make them go away
even if a sabre-toothed tiger
has just bitten off both your legs
and your blood is splurting all over the carpet
and splattering up the walls
but if you ever replied
just go away I want to play!
they’d go apeshit crazy
and all the volcanoes
on their planet would erupt
and vomit gynormous dollops of molten lava
all over the cities and villages and towns
frying every one into
freaky frozen statues
like that volcano did in Pompei
thousands of years ago
when everyone spoke Latin
And then maybe one day
thousands of years in the future
some children just like you and me
will discover their freaky fried frozen bodies
and put them all in a museum
with a sign that says
These Are Adults
They Are Fine Thank You
only it would be written in
a totally different language