Pilgrim’s progress
Just put one foot
in front of the other
Leave all fancy
plans behind
pray constantly
that sore twinge
on the bottom of your big toe
doesn’t rub into a blister
Trust the path before you
If you believe in God
trust God
just trust your legs
Trust the path
trust your knees
trust your ankles
trust your feet
No fancy pants
no fancy plans
just one pilgrim foot
in front
of the other pilgrim foot
and then that foot in front of the other
And when you ease into your wayfarer’s bed
at the end of another well-trod day
invite your aching salty faithful body
to softly open its pilgrim belly
and to the heavenly rafters raise
exhausted hymns of gratitude
and silent songs of praise
Just put one foot
in front of the other
Leave all fancy
plans behind
pray constantly
that sore twinge
on the bottom of your big toe
doesn’t rub into a blister
Trust the path before you
If you believe in God
trust God
just trust your legs
Trust the path
trust your knees
trust your ankles
trust your feet
No fancy pants
no fancy plans
just one pilgrim foot
in front
of the other pilgrim foot
and then that foot in front of the other
And when you ease into your wayfarer’s bed
at the end of another well-trod day
invite your aching salty faithful body
to softly open its pilgrim belly
and to the heavenly rafters raise
exhausted hymns of gratitude
and silent songs of praise