me and the earth
we're like that
can't live without one another
when I jump
she jumps to catch me
when I fall
she meets and holds me
can't stand the thought of losing me
she pulls me to her centre
I pull her to mine
the earth clings happily to my feet
I affect the earth
as much as she affects me
no more
no less
just equally
and when I die
I’ll return to the earth
and the earth
will return to me
and we’ll lie within one another
me and the earth
we're like that
can't live without one another
when I jump
she jumps to catch me
when I fall
she meets and holds me
can't stand the thought of losing me
she pulls me to her centre
I pull her to mine
the earth clings happily to my feet
I affect the earth
as much as she affects me
no more
no less
just equally
and when I die
I’ll return to the earth
and the earth
will return to me
and we’ll lie within one another