The Inky Pilgrim
Issue 2
14th March 2024
Dearest friends,
Welcome to The Inky Pilgrim issue number 2.
I hope this finds you tickled by the joys of spring. Or – for our southern hemispherical readers – comforted by the cooler pleasures of autumn.
Let’s dive in.
Sweaty Pilgrim
I’ve changed the name of Sweaty Pilgrim to One For The Road. For the time being, anyway. I’m not strongly attached to either. Do you have a preference?
I put Chapters One and Two to bed at the end of 2023, and then slept on them for a couple of months.
Welcome to The Inky Pilgrim issue number 2.
I hope this finds you tickled by the joys of spring. Or – for our southern hemispherical readers – comforted by the cooler pleasures of autumn.
Let’s dive in.
Sweaty Pilgrim
I’ve changed the name of Sweaty Pilgrim to One For The Road. For the time being, anyway. I’m not strongly attached to either. Do you have a preference?
I put Chapters One and Two to bed at the end of 2023, and then slept on them for a couple of months.
Beyond Protest
In January I picked up an old political project: “Beyond Protest: an incomplete introduction to transformative nonviolence.” I reckon it’s going to end up a 30–50 page pamphlet. I really enjoy writing poetically about politics. After all, social change is as much an art form as it is a social science. I’ll share some of my work in progress in future issues of The Inky Pilgrim.
In January I picked up an old political project: “Beyond Protest: an incomplete introduction to transformative nonviolence.” I reckon it’s going to end up a 30–50 page pamphlet. I really enjoy writing poetically about politics. After all, social change is as much an art form as it is a social science. I’ll share some of my work in progress in future issues of The Inky Pilgrim.
leap of faith
On 1st February I posted a poem on Facebook, with the promise that I would write and post a poem every day of the month.
I don’t think I’d really thought it through. It was a Herculean effort, and definitely the longest poetry performance of my life. About three hundred different friends tuned it – some for the whole month, others for the odd poem. I’m really chuffed with what I achieved. I’m going to make a little pamphlet of it, and will send you all a signed copy when it’s done. I’ll also be performing all 29 poems in Oxford some time soon ish – will keep you posted.
If you want to check out the poems online:
Pleased to say, my muse is proper happy and resident at the moment.
One For The Road
Having had a two-month break from One For The Road, I returned to it this month with fresh eyes, and have edited it into a version I am happy with.
I attach a pdf of the first two chapters. You may have already read an earlier version of chapter one, but you won’t have read chapter two (begins page 27). Enjoy.
Also – if you’ve got any feedback (more of this, less of that, have you thought about this? etc), I’d appreciate it. I feel thick-skinned enough to take on board constructive criticism. I think...
Having been a self-publishing poet my whole life, I would actually really love to get One For The Road published “properly”. So, if anyone reading this has any advice, or leads, or suggestions, please do get in touch with me. I know nothing about the publishing world. I’d happily show the attached chapters to an agent or publisher – but, please don’t share them with anyone without my permission. Thanks.
I’ll leave it at that. As you can see, my creative juices are percolating quite sweetly at the moment.
I think I’ll aim to put out an issue of The Inky Pilgrim once a month. Even if it’s just a brief update. Discipline seems to be good for me this year.
What's happening in your world?
One Love
[email protected]
07885 499721
On 1st February I posted a poem on Facebook, with the promise that I would write and post a poem every day of the month.
I don’t think I’d really thought it through. It was a Herculean effort, and definitely the longest poetry performance of my life. About three hundred different friends tuned it – some for the whole month, others for the odd poem. I’m really chuffed with what I achieved. I’m going to make a little pamphlet of it, and will send you all a signed copy when it’s done. I’ll also be performing all 29 poems in Oxford some time soon ish – will keep you posted.
If you want to check out the poems online:
Pleased to say, my muse is proper happy and resident at the moment.
One For The Road
Having had a two-month break from One For The Road, I returned to it this month with fresh eyes, and have edited it into a version I am happy with.
I attach a pdf of the first two chapters. You may have already read an earlier version of chapter one, but you won’t have read chapter two (begins page 27). Enjoy.
Also – if you’ve got any feedback (more of this, less of that, have you thought about this? etc), I’d appreciate it. I feel thick-skinned enough to take on board constructive criticism. I think...
Having been a self-publishing poet my whole life, I would actually really love to get One For The Road published “properly”. So, if anyone reading this has any advice, or leads, or suggestions, please do get in touch with me. I know nothing about the publishing world. I’d happily show the attached chapters to an agent or publisher – but, please don’t share them with anyone without my permission. Thanks.
I’ll leave it at that. As you can see, my creative juices are percolating quite sweetly at the moment.
I think I’ll aim to put out an issue of The Inky Pilgrim once a month. Even if it’s just a brief update. Discipline seems to be good for me this year.
What's happening in your world?
One Love
[email protected]
07885 499721
The ink’s faithful flow
“The soul does nothing if you do nothing, but if you light a fire, it chops wood; if you make a boat, it becomes the ocean.” Robert Bly I used to think my muse was fickle but now it’s clear to me that I’ve been the fickle one demanding her attendance before I dare to fill my pen for she loves to meet me in the ink’s faithful flow long before the type is set my middle finger stained purple is pure poetry to her the porridge burning (yet again) makes her smile and love me all the more bottle, pen, ink in service of the human heart and of my craft is all that she requires desires requests and all the rest (she whispers) and all the rest will surely follow |
Leap Day
“Leap, and the net shall appear” they said so I went ahead and leapt but through my tearful, fearful eyes I ain’t seen no net yet even the seagulls are looking at me strangely “Always read the small print” my dad advised so I’m reading as I fall “There are no guarantees in Life” it says “No guarantees at all” So here I am in mid-air free-falling like a fool praying desperately there’s no ground below now, wouldn’t that be cool? |
I am blooming from the wound
where I once bled
where I once bled